Top 5 Nutritional Deficiencies: Fat and Tired? You might be malnourished

Problem: You're overweight

Solution: Proper nutrition

Occam's Razor: the simplest answer is probably correct

Let's say you eat too much. Now the question is, Why?

There's a whole industry of people coming up with complicated reasons for overeating. And a whole culture of people putting fat people down and feeling virtuous about it.

But let's apply Occam's Razor.

Why would a person eat too much? Because the body is demanding it.

Why would the body demand excessive amounts of food? Because it's not getting enough of what it needs from the food that it is getting.

In other words, if you're overweight, it's because you're malnourished.

Malnourishment causes overeating

Do you think the body can't tell when it's missing something? Of course it can. But it can't say, "Hi, can you raise your intake of Magnesium by 120%, please?" All it can do is make you hungry, and it can do that really well.

Where food is scarce, malnourished people are skinny for the same reason everyone else there is skinny--there isn't a lot of food.

Where there is plenty of food, malnourished people are fat because their bodies are compelling them to eat to try to get the nutrients they aren't getting enough of.

80% of Americans have some kind of nutritional deficiency.

So it's not surprising that so many of us are overweight. It's only surprising that we're not 80% overweight.

Proper nutrition can satisfy hunger that's been making you overeat.

It's not a personality problem, neurosis or lack of willpower that makes some people overeat. It's a million-year-old survival instinct called hunger. How can anyone call you weak because you eat when you are hungry? Hunger is the strongest natural drive.

No, you are not weak because you "give in" to your ingrained biology.

If other people don't overeat, it's because they are not experiencing the same overwhelming internal pressure you are. Perhaps they are compelled by a fundamental biological urge to be judgemental jackasses. We'll try to be understanding.

The following five posts will each discuss one nutrient Americans are commonly deficient in.

Next up: Iron

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